
Showing posts from January, 2023

2023 Richmond Table Tennis Spring League (Start Date: Feb 14th, 2023)

  Congratulation to the winners:  DIV  -1 1 st  Place: Pioneers  (Played: 6, Won: 5, Points:23) 2 nd  Place: Super Power ( Played: 6; Won: 4; Points : 28) MPV: LI, Bill (BC) --- Pioneers (Played: 10; Won: 9; %: 90%) DIV -2 1 st  Place : Avelon (Played: 10; Won: 8; Points: 46) 2 nd  Place:  Big Ice-Cream ( Played:10; Won: 8; Points: 46) MVP: HUANG, Olivia (BC) --- Big Ice-Cream (Played: 20; Won:19; %: 95%) DIV -3 1 st  Place: Peaceful Art Studio (Played: 18; Won: 17; Points: 91) 2 nd  Place: Yugo 55 (Played: 18; Won: 14; Points: 87) MVP: FAN, Jian Ping (BC) --- Peaceful Art Studio (Played: 28; Won: 26; %: 92.86%) **Notice Please be informed that the 2023 Spring League registration deadline will be postponed to Feb 15th. The League playing date starts on Feb 21, Tuesday night at 6:30pm. The match playing schedule will be posted after the deadline. All Matches' results will be updated on Friday at 5:00 pm. Please check ...